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Pasadena Private Lending

Select to learn what makes us different:

Privately Funded by Entrepreneurs

Created in 2018, Pasadena Private Lending pioneered the Guaranteed Business Loan™ as a non-bank lender focused on lower middle market companies. Unlike traditional banks funded by consumer deposits, our capital primarily comes from former entrepreneurs who have sold their companies and want to invest in the next generation of risk takers. These business owners have entrusted us to bring them a fair return on their money by helping other entrepreneurs grow their business.

What this means for you:

  • Your reputation and track record count.
  • We are able to make common sense decisions.
  • You don’t experience red tape and fine print.
  • We don’t force you to move your deposit accounts.

If you are a successful entrepreneur who needs prompt and specialized financing, we encourage you to explore what Pasadena Private Lending can do for you.

Fast Answers & Rapid Funding

When working with Pasadena Private, you are working directly with the decision-makers.

What this means for you:

  • Decisions and funding can be fast.
  • 24 – 48 hour feedback and conditional approval.
  • No hard requirement for time-consuming appraisals or audited financials.
  • If your corporate records are in order we can normally close in 7 – 10 business days.

“It became clear that my bank was not going to move at the speed we needed to close an opportunistic purchase. My CFO found Pasadena Private Lending and the team at PPL moved quickly to secure us the funds we needed on good terms to get the deal done.”

CEO of an industrial manufacturing company

Flexible Lending

Pasadena Private Lending is not bound by the rules of a traditional bank. We are industry agnostic, flexible on the use of proceeds, and adapt to your needs rather than force you to fit obscure bank rules that are periodically changed and reinterpreted by bank management.

What this means for you:

  • Access to lines of credit, term loans, equipment financing, and mortgages.
  • Customized payments geared to your cash flow expectations.
  • Approvals based on multiple credit factors not all of which have to be perfect.
  • Flexibility and creativity in how we evaluate credit risk by considering factors such as profits, collateral, experience, and net worth.
  • Greater discretion over how you choose to use proceeds.

Typical Loan Purpose

We make creative, flexible, and fair loans to successful entrepreneurs for a variety of business purposes.


Acquisition loans can help your company buy another business or cover significant capital expenditures.


Loans for the purpose of fueling growth including inventory, equipment, marketing, expansion, new facilities, and product development.


Loans help align your balance sheet, professionalize your financial picture, enable acquisitions, or enhance the sales price of your business.

Owner Payments

A loan to owners can allow you to buy out a partner, fund dividends or achieve other objectives in your life. Prudent debt can provide liquidity without dilution or change of control.

Special Situations

Each one of our clients has a special set of circumstances. We work to find the right lending solution for each of their businesses.

“During Covid we had a downturn that impacted our bank loan covenants. When we needed our bank most their regulations made it impossible to work with them. Pasadena Private stepped in and very quickly provided us with the capital we needed to maintain our business. We are back to growing thanks to Pasadena Private Lending.”

President of an electronics assembly/distribution company

Fair Rates

Why we can lend at lower rates…

Because we look at the whole picture, we can give credit where banks can’t and hard money won’t. That also means we look to owners to guarantee the loans. In that way we invest in a long term relationship with you, not just a “one-time” transaction.

What this means for you:

  • Lower rates than most non-banks.
  • Discounts offered to borrowers also using other Pasadena Private Financial Group services.
  • Interest rate margins tied to performance (i.e. reduced when your business improves).
  • Transparent pricing, no junk or hidden fees.

Pasadena Private Lending typically charges rates that are 2% – 4% higher than big banks but 4% – 6% cheaper than hard money lenders.

Reliable Partner

We deliver.

Our capital comes from our ecosystem of high net worth families and is further augmented by our institutional relationships. We have earned our partners' trust throughout the years by delivering on our promises and doing the right thing. With over a combined century of underwriting experience, we make prudent and common-sense credit decisions that help successful entrepreneurs grow companies within the Pasadena Private eco-system.

What this means for you:

  • A yes is a YES, we cannot get overruled by changing FDIC rules or remote credit committees.
  • We are long-term partners in your success and through inevitable challenges.
  • We understand the urgency of deal-making.
  • Your success is our success and we hope that one day you will be making loans to the next generation of entrepreneurs.

Our Story

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Pasadena Private Lending was decades in the making, beginning as a vision by the founding partners to create a lending firm that could be more creative and more responsive than traditional lenders. After the launch of our wealth management affiliate in May 2018, we had a shared vision among our affluent clients to create an ecosystem that could be leveraged for the financial benefit of all the families. Pasadena Private Lending was launched in August 2018 after receiving its California lenders license (#60DBO-84931) and is approaching $125MM in loans under management. As the lending arm of a multi-family office, we pioneered the Guaranteed Business Loan™, which enables us to look across traditional bank underwriting silos for multiple sources of repayment including: future cash flows, working capital assets, real estate and personal or family wealth. Simply put, our business objective is to earn a fair margin and incur zero losses by working with our well-vetted borrowers whose personal guarantees change the character of small business loans. Learn more about our financial services and multi-family office at Pasadena Private Financial Group.

Lending Capital ($MM)

Average Loan Size ($MM)

Average Business Days to Fund

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